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新西兰WHV在线刷签证工具working holiday纪录片新西兰打工旅行Orbit保险 9折优惠
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[出售二手车] 省油小车出售 1400

发表于 2013-9-5 23:49:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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( C8 K* A& i6 e* t* K1 s' \3 c
省油小车出售1 V9 R3 e5 q3 l" T+ m1 ?  u
6 K& B: o- w0 ?: E/ \) E  r% J$ [
3 M5 f5 f7 E7 g2 O2 s  N2 J& r随车附送:超保暖睡袋 x2 (价值约60纽币,95%新)* A. l5 r' {* |8 e9 r- D: U

% j- X( S0 c, R" Q5 G* F; AGood fuel saving car for sale." y# w4 l" s! S: R! F
This car had been traveled around north and south island without any problem at all. Most importantly, totally no oil leaking problem. Tyre, battery and brake pads changed for only half year ago. Changed new timing belt at 165,500km. Just passed wof(End of Aug 2013) and engine oil added this month(Sep 2013).
7 B0 V& @9 j" w& Y+ l% w7 x" g; U) B
# j! p! y, q' ~% K0 fFreebies: Sleeping bag x 2(worth nzd60, 95% new)5 V, ]  a0 n' v" @, R( ~4 k4 a+ S

* \+ _1 g9 |4 ]1 j% {1993 Mazda Familia Astina
1 ?" d( [' ]) s; G1 f! h" NKilometers: 172,xxx km
: [/ {; S3 R, {! p: A: _Transmission: Automatic+ Y" j+ ?* `: K
Fuel type: Petrol
8 _4 ~. Z' T8 e$ t( XSeats: 5. k8 M) k2 w2 A! X7 d9 {4 ]
Engine: 1500cc
- z% u2 F8 `7 K& A4 j( p/ I' i( {WOF: Febuary 2014$ m7 M. j2 H, ?2 M, b) E
Registration: Oct 2013! r9 C% s" G! a
Location: Queenstown (Any other places please feel free to contact me)
+ v* M! ~# E$ N1 g7 g7 NPrice: 1400# y! q. }  I6 b- s/ J! \0 ?, u

( c# z& O7 Y6 z1 H5 Q7 K) V欢迎有兴趣的朋友来试车。请联络
. A5 R8 i: R  O9 s9 w3 Y0 W1 ]Welcome to test drive. Please contact0 K+ N( s- r" f* r$ E7 g8 R
Dani7 T; b2 v" U9 Y
022 419 46444 Z$ M1 r' y3 `4 A# y4 G* ]9 C: j5 t
) F8 y( s/ I9 \  d

$ v3 ?- x! y6 c7 b1 p9 `( m6 Y. S; w
6 m( E. Q, {4 @
; Q) g: |9 W8 g' ~( D4 J7 v
* Q) L% l2 M8 B' c- m
' s0 {7 }- z! l7 T  P3 q
+ O' ?7 f. K# d( v9 D. G
( n9 A9 A9 f8 Q$ j
# M" q3 R7 ?3 [9 V; @! B$ Y
! n  J9 f' L, Y5 y& q9 H4 G
( j( H% A  F7 ^) i, {

% l7 v- b  Z# a7 v: V/ D
( m  }- W  d. @  [0 n
" `+ K( P7 R$ `: n1 e# `- @$ r" Y' e( E* [% t& N8 W$ E
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