Global Chinese Working Holiday Makers Forum! 


新西兰WHV在线刷签证工具working holiday纪录片新西兰打工旅行Orbit保险 9折优惠
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[住宿] 南岛Nelson-Tasmanbay BBH 招换宿

发表于 2013-9-4 17:48:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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: O0 |( V) Z) P9 z, Q0 z
7 |: w8 l" @0 A$ _6 D( H; N0 xExchange worker wanted in SUNNY Nelson! Start this week for a minimum of 3 weeks., u4 v  ^  [& P; H: R8 I
3 _5 H- n( e. p. c7 h6 u6 v  C
At our hostel we offer you free accommodation, Free UNLIMITED wifi, free breakfast, laundry, use of the bikes and yummy hot chocolate pudding every night in exchange for 3 hours work for 6 days a week. . b$ O  C& ^1 p: J6 ^* c" _5 K
, M% B/ ]6 I6 i* W
The kind of work we do here varies from the daily cleaning of the hostel, and special projects around the hostel, like gardening or painting etc.7 U- I2 b/ ~* J0 [( }

( l* |) H1 p' r$ E2 n( gIf you are still interested in joining the team just let us know and we will go from there.2 l8 V; R8 B0 X$ ?, w- \

. ]7 n% i2 u" F% ?0 c; o( \We look forward to hearing from you.
& O. ^+ h5 W7 ~/ r6 M: w: L9 f! @0 M: H2 S& I

' u6 C0 P3 d$ y: `. G& D5 c联系方式:* z; o0 t  G9 X( T9 E6 k* u3 C( F
Submitted On:Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Contact:Tasman Bay Manager
Phone:0800 222572
Email:[email protected]

9 p% n( g4 m# {8 V3 z) O4 z3 e( k$ A& V# v1 u* E- Z7 a- |
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1 ^, f1 H3 Q" K5 N- G' m; v- y

2 l/ m3 K4 g, p) M- i
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% U& h, _8 B* U. J5 g6 F1 o' H! |2 V3 G

# d; a7 C' e) Q6 V+ ~0 A( s6 s8 h) D! z7 F, r, L
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