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新西兰WHV在线刷签证工具working holiday纪录片新西兰打工旅行Orbit保险 9折优惠
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[出售二手车] EXCELLENT CAR FOR SALE @ 1,600 NZD (manual)

发表于 2013-8-16 21:11:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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EXCELLENT CAR FOR SALE @ 1,600 NZD (manual): @+ W8 s# n( G6 d/ |

$ p4 ]# R% o4 p- Y; s' H% t9 L4 CWhy manual is better? Fuel Saver (1L for 16km) and More powerful especially you need to travel south island which have plenty of mountain road7 T0 z1 A! T- E1 W5 l: ?

0 ^3 [( Q( S8 m7 z" a) m; bCar Type: Honda Civic 1995 1600cc, Blue
( e9 U# D# Z  p) ~! J0 H' j2 g0 vPlate Number: TJ5014- e! O8 m3 ]  _, Z4 p
WOF expired date: 17 FEB 2014 (just renew)
( Y" w- \$ `: Z1 l  n# VREG expired date: 3 SEPT 2013
6 L3 M+ q3 R, R; g$ b! VMileage: 322000 km, Cambelt change at ( 276000km) Still have another 40000km before need to change1 u3 S  z- x( G4 P4 V! l; X4 w& Y
Car Condition: Excellent. Brand new tyres with plenty of thread
% g9 O5 p) P& c# N0 a) ?" UAccessories: CD player, USB charger, Sun Shade Cover
3 V3 d0 G- }9 ^Item that change: New battery change on April 2013 ( Century Battery-WARRANTY 3years), Brake Pad, Wheel Alignment: r2 C$ p2 x- h, d9 h) ^
Free gift: Engine oil, 2000 watt small heater, Electric Blanket, 2 pair of Farm boot, and water proof pant.% G' `: K2 Z& v0 S$ i* q! P
Advantage: I have take care good for this car since previous owner and myself is a semi auto-mechanic.( k% |  q' _& G

% _# R3 V* p6 q; v5 YAvailability date: Mid of August 2013 onwards1 y8 W+ Y7 }, A. V
Reason for selling: Leaving NZ soon# N4 a& q  o" t5 d
Contact: Alex- 02238749979 z- [5 d8 I: x
Location:Christchurch,Queenstown, Dunedin, Omaru ,Timaru,
- L' U; g; Q( l3 g- {/ a& G/ j% l/ {+ {  v% h3 S! p
; F$ J3 [' L% T* _8 F
4 P" @4 i3 W2 S3 E' s
7 y# L  n" b* `" p
) O! x4 b$ ?$ Q# `
; L3 Z+ ]# p9 i) A, z  _' P3 o  C

( m7 r* @4 g0 d. N6 ]- F9 @! ~( g
# q' N  Y1 h  n6 l  w% G
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