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[求职攻略] 不同工作的求职信

发表于 2013-7-27 19:27:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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求职信有分为三大部分:) P7 T- N0 ]' \

! \) @- N8 H5 a4 u5 {+ L1. 诚恳部分– 表现出自己真的很有兴趣,很诚恳地想在这地方上班。
% ~) W; {# `# D3 W- u% p
; a8 R  A% e* C$ G  z2. 直接部分 – 把自己想要的东西,直接写出来。你要了解雇主也许没有什么时间阅读你的信,所以越精简越好。
; z8 _2 s( X. H  w6 U+ J' u) l
: v9 }/ L4 X6 v5 E1 X$ a' r; z3. 优点部分 – 虽然这一个环节看起来很假,但是若你的人真的很好,那就不怕说出来哦。这是唯一可以把你自己卖出去的机会。8 S% D2 Z8 B9 k' D

! ?6 j. a% i6 o5 O, p0 v' @) y! D掌握了这三大部分的话,雇主就会觉得你对此份工作很认真,并且很有热诚。9 S- U1 F1 t- w- y: b9 ~( M
. y6 X! l: D/ W" P+ D/ c5 A
, I: c# ^; R/ }
Dear sir/madam,% D  g# U! ~; m( Y! Q. L

7 z6 r, W. _, B/ j/ p5 @: II came from China, and I am holding a WHV. I never tried skydive and I 2 t# y: d) N4 Y8 W" {( b# x
would love to do that one day! I am so excited when I first saw your ad in the % p& ~, M4 l7 Q1 I0 P6 M& m( }
internet. This has been my dream, I will never have the chance to do something
- s. u8 q0 ^+ _1 @; Wlike this when I am back in my home country.

' W! U7 L6 t8 J( e, z
, i+ q! b" L- y( Y. Q6 iAs a Chinese, I am multilingual. Therefore, I believe, I am suitable to put
) b( s. t/ F5 A/ Mbe put on servicing front line, ticketing. I have a sweet voice, cheerful smile, ) ~0 w4 v. D( y, r
ever going energy to attend customers’ request.

# Q9 g$ |7 S9 T  ]+ t! d5 ~ $ ?6 k5 Q3 t+ d4 Y' r
I worked in a video production film before and I already used to tight
* i$ E6 b8 r. G" q! K: Cdatelines, pressure, work in a team, liaise with different departments. All this
4 R9 E, P% ^& W) c( n  mI found out is very similar to the job description. It should be no problem for 4 Y& m- e. z9 r* P
me to adapt to the new environment.
  s: {" S+ J; U" p3 o$ I
$ a# f4 w5 ~) z% \3 ~! M
I am a degree holder in mathematics. Therefore I work well with logical 8 N/ E: S+ R" A! p- [$ M
thinking and numbers. I am confident to say that I have minimum mistakes with
5 \/ @3 B# T4 Z  }9 u) D8 H1 Gnumbers.

% p, \3 b( k$ H' E. ]   [  ?+ r3 b+ ?/ |6 U' X3 A
I am glad for your kind attention, in reviewing my CV, and I do hope I manage
. u# s/ g2 p, ^( [' f# ~to be on time to hop on and to be a Free Fall new member.

2 S7 J; z2 B9 N) d. W其它帖子参考:. a, y0 X+ {5 n
写出漂亮的cover letter卖自己出去
& Z) w/ e4 [2 g% E9 r  t
/ s' h  B5 D2 `* i8 D' _
8 S- p; T, g# e$ x' Q: b4 n

# s9 }6 r3 I. k$ Z% \( d7 K
: h- M. l; e3 b1 c
发表于 2013-7-27 21:22:23 | 显示全部楼层
没看完~~~~~~ 先顶,好同志
发表于 2013-7-28 12:59:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-7-29 04:30:05 | 显示全部楼层
mark 一下
发表于 2013-7-29 11:53:17 | 显示全部楼层
好好 学习了 确实不错
发表于 2013-7-29 17:31:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-7-30 02:36:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-4 15:42:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-11 20:53:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-19 01:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
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