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[经验分享] 公路旅行最值得做的13件事

发表于 2014-9-5 18:44:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Here's 13 reasons everyone should go on a road trip (at least once!)
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1. Discovering places you didn't know existed
6 C; N/ I/ {; O6 e- s) ]9 t( K2. Meeting people and making new friends6 u, x2 T- i9 n6 q# M- D
3. Learning local secrets ( `4 E1 G/ R9 [( A* N7 D' w0 z
4. Making memories that will last a life time
9 C/ F2 a: W8 j# J0 Y$ e, F7 {5. Your wheels are also your bed, kitchen & dining room
& D, J+ `3 E- A6. Experiencing culture off the beaten track
* T4 `4 @. E5 N7 o/ v; ?7. The destination doesn't matter, it’s all about the journey
; c) v" D3 C! u! F: l* l2 Y" P) p8. Watching the sun rise & set from different places every day
- B' m8 t/ C3 A3 b9. Toasting marshmallows around a camp fire0 O- K2 Q1 C! G% G/ h3 d9 l
10. Freedom to go wherever you want!
, J; }/ A; B+ L8 g6 Q11. Sleeping under the stars9 R. d) g6 d5 r) e8 W/ P
12. Taking time to smell the roses – and take in the scenery!
: q# E( N1 m* ?7 g  T13. Blasting your fave tunes & singing at the top of your lungs on the open road1 A% P. @* O) d" Y" o# \* ]
) m* W- E( i! P/ J, t' _8 l
What are your favourite things about life on the road? xx
. g! H- h, X/ X; H$ y- u5 H
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