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[旅游] 在新西兰的孩子们是这样过夏天的!

发表于 2015-8-9 11:37:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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滑浪导演Devin Supertramp又有新作品! 这次 Most Epic Natural Waterslide拍摄地点位于新西兰东部的在吉斯伯恩(Gisborne)市,距离市区30分钟车程,有一块叫做雷雷岩石滑坡(Rere Rock Slide)的天然岩石!感受由上至下的滑行刺激感觉,每年6至8月虽然是冬季,不过当地仍然适合玩石涧漂流!$ z4 E8 l; r( W6 @) s# y

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GISBORNE, New Zealand, May 7 (UPI) -- A Utah adventure filmmaker traveled to New Zealand with his crew to film their trip on the "world's most epic natural waterslide."
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Devin Graham, better known to YouTube fans as Devin Super Tramp, visited the Rere Rock Slides in New Zealand with his crew to capture the experience of sliding down the nearly 200-foot rock slope, which has been smoothed over the years by the constant running water from the Wharekopae River.

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Rere Rockslides, Wharekopae Road, Ngatapa, Gisborne, Newzealand
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