DreamHoliday 发表于 2015-2-18 17:37:46

Happy Lunar New Year 2015!

We should not become pessimistic and lose confidence even in adverse circumstances.

I know that everyone's life has been settled since he was born.
But there are a lot of different paths or routes towards the settled destination.

We have chances to choose.

I still choose to live with positive attitude after suffer so much.
Because each time after a constant struggle, life would give me a gift. Though before that it was tough.

Live with a vivid vision of the future.
Endure dark times with faith.

Wait for the gift.


祝所有有梦想有追求的人 心想事成 梦想成真!


--虎维网敬上 2015.02.18

ccyiiween 发表于 2015-2-18 17:48:17

赞!羊年 喜气洋洋!{:soso_e142:}

Lawrence 发表于 2015-2-19 09:06:10


Sonia 发表于 2015-2-19 09:06:31

哈哈 得意洋洋!
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